Reviews of the Miss Hatteras Fishing Boat
Don’t just take our word for it! See what others are saying about our fishing trips and scenic cruises in the Outer Banks.
We’re confident you’ll be more than satisfied if you choose to set sail with us. However, we realize that before you give us your business you’ll probably want to make sure we’re going to be able to actually provide what we say we can do! Here are some sites that folks have reviewed us on. Feel free to see what others are saying because we’re sure you’ll be ready to sign up once you hear how happy our customers are.
If you’ve already sailed with us, we’d love to hear from you. If you’re a member or use any of these sites, we’d love to hear about us, our captains, and how you enjoyed your trip, whether you went out fishing with friends or took a family on one of our scenic cruises.
Here’s what others are saying about our fishing trips and scenic cruises.
Google Reviews

Yelp Reviews
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Ready to set sail with us?
We’ve been operating our head boat in the Outer Banks for over 30 years, and we’d love to add you to our list of satisfied customers. For more information about our services click here to contact us or give us a call at (252) 986-2365.